加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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一年一度的夏日盛事The Fair at the PNE就要於本週六正式登場了,Are You Ready? 今年的活動日期跟往年一樣為期約兩週,從8/16到9/1,每天早上11點開始,地點當然是在大家再熟悉不過的PNE除了好吃的食物、好玩刺激的Ride之外,精彩的表演活動更是少不了!

Starting this Saturday, the event that you have been waiting for this whole summer will officially kick off, of course you know we are talking about The Fair at the PNE!

There are so many food, exhibits, attractions and music events that you don't want to miss, and needless to say, all the fun rides will be amazing!

The Fair at the PNE!! 來 PNE 探訪我們吧!

The Fair at the PNE!! 來 PNE 探訪我們吧!

除了先前我們曾經報導過的Jigu! Thunder Drum of China 擊鼓之外,喜歡追電視劇的朋友當然不能錯過Game of Thrones®的展覽,與涵蓋迪士尼工作室、索尼動漫、皮克斯(Pixar)製作等鼎鼎大名,佔地兩萬平方呎的Get Animated! Interactive Animation Exhibit大型展覽、ToonCity等活動,喜歡音樂的朋友更不能錯過主辦單位重金禮聘Air SupplyBoys II MenLeanne RimesPhillip Phillips等歐美流行音樂指標人物的夏夜晚風音樂會!

The Fair at the PNE!! 來 PNE 探訪我們吧!

The Fair at the PNE!! 來 PNE 探訪我們吧! The Fair at the PNE!! 來 PNE 探訪我們吧!

另外,作為傳媒贊助,加拿大中文電台將於 8 月 16 至 24 日在 The Fair 設置攤位,屆時本台的 DJ 將親臨攤位現場打碟,中英日韓外語金曲首首動聽。亦歡迎聽眾憑歌寄意,從我們的「Fair 點唱機」點歌紙中選擇喜歡的歌曲,再寫上對方的名字,我們會盡快在攤位內即場播出,並讀出你的心意。假如你想親自表達,我們也可讓你自己 plug 歌,一嚐做 DJ 的滋味。

嘉年華會又豈能沒有豐富獎品?加拿大中文電台的攤位將於指定時間內舉行「Fair-tastic 大抽獎」只要你以智能手機或 tablet 下載本台的 app,又或在本台的攤位拍照留念並上載到你的社交網頁,即可參加大抽獎,獎品包括 CD、USB、記事簿等,非常豐富。

加拿大中文電台的攤位就設在 Pacific Coliseum 入口處的正前方,約定你囉!

This year Fairchild Radio is proud to be a media sponsor of the Fair at the PNE, and we will have a booth on site as well, come visit us and you have a great chance to win some awesome prizes!