Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤
每年到了夏季的尾聲,令人引頸期盼的台灣文化節「TAIWAN fest」肯定是華人社區最重要的活動之一。今年的台灣文化節將於8月30日起連續三天在溫市中心Granville街一帶舉行,今年也是本活動的25周年慶,主辦單位將以和福爾摩沙島戀愛25年的心情歡渡。
Every year at the end of summer, TAIWANfest is the event that the whole Asian community is looking forward to. This year's event will be starting on 8/30 for 3 days, and will be taking place at Vancouver downtown Granville area. This is the 25th anniversary of this fantastic event, and for sure there will be something special for everyone!
hidden | 今年的活動看點之一將為霹靂布袋戲的奇幻世界 One of the highlight this year will be The Exhibit of Pili Puppetry. |
hidden | 「電影台灣」交響盛宴將以不同的方式來呈現大家熟悉的電影音樂。Symphony of Movies will take us through a musical journey in Taiwanese films. |
hidden | 年輕世代的音樂當然也是每年台灣文化節的重頭戲之一!Music from Taiwan of course is one of the main events every year. This year there will be some folk rock and indie rock artists from Taiwan at the event! |
hidden | 米與麵你選誰?Which one do you like better, rice or noodle? |
Fairchild Radio is proud to be a media sponsor, and starting next week, we will be giving away VIP tickets for the 2 music events at TAIWANfest 2014, if you want to be close up and personal with some awesome Taiwanese musicians, you gonna stay-tuned to FM961!
Click HERE for more info on TAIWANfest 2014!
2014-08-31Owen 鄧浩然 草食男萬歲 (2)
2014-08-28Music 訪問歌手小瑜
2014-08-27Shanghai Broadcast Week 「上海廣播週」之〈人物上海〉
2014-08-26Music 成功靠堅持 - Mary 專訪本地爵士歌手 Maria Ho
2014-08-25Drama 盧玉鳳專訪《打轉教室》精英團隊
2014-08-24Owen 鄧浩然 草食男萬歲 (1)
2014-08-22Taiwanfest 台灣文化節帶來最有代表性的寶島音樂
2014-08-19PNE + BBQ? 夏日 DJ 群拍樂 Top 5
2014-08-16New Way to Save 秒殺大特價 - 新之美月餅半價
2014-08-15The Fair at the PNE!! 來 PNE 探訪我們吧!
2014-08-14Little Sunshine 歡迎 4 至 12 歲小朋友報名參加
2014-08-13Celina 偷閒加油站 開卷樂八月推介
2014-08-12Thelma 講音樂 談美食 廖德隆專訪梁盛子
2014-08-11加拿大中文電台榮譽贊助 - Jigu 擊鼓 @ The Fair at PNE
2014-08-06Music 全球首播 周慧敏 《咖啡在等一個人》
2014-08-04Delon 越洋訪問 《小煮角》導師 廚壇魔術師 Christian 楊尚友