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加拿大中文電台將會全球首播Vivian周慧敏的「咖啡在等一個人」。這首歌是九把刀第一本小說的改編電影「等一個人咖啡」的主題曲。Vivian除了為電影唱主題曲外,亦在戲內飾演一位神秘老闆娘的角色。周慧敏可以算是香港少見歌、影、視、播的四棲藝人。擁有動人的歌聲不在話下,Vivian亦有為電視及電台作主持,而今次則為有份參演的電影唱主題曲。「咖啡在等一個人」由李焯雄填詞,Demo = I heard作曲,而製作人更由與Vivian份屬好友的古巨基擔當。歌詞裡帶出等待一個人的感覺,由一開始的苦澀,到慢慢享受中間的過程,到最後的回甘,就像喝咖啡一樣,愈變愈香醇。
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Vivian Chow will be releasing a single as the theme song of a romance film called "Café·Waiting·Love". This song describes all the little moments in the process of waiting. Vivian has retired from her singing career in the 90s while canto pop was at the peak. She emigrated to Vancouver but later went back to Hong Kong to prepare for her concert after 10 years of retirement. Since then, Vivian has only released one album in 2011, and this song will be another single after the release of that album. Fairchild Radio will be premiering this single starting from 8/8, stay tuned for Vivian's new single!
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想聽這首電影主題曲「咖啡在等一個人」 ,從8月8號起就記得留意加拿大中文電台AM1470和FM961的全線節目。
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2014-08-06Music 全球首播 周慧敏 《咖啡在等一個人》
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