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上星期日,第 14 屆列治文夏日夜市正式開鑼,多位列治文市議員到場恭賀,加拿大中文電台新聞總監李潔芝應邀出席開幕典禮,從夜市負責人張明山手中接過紀念獎座,並與其他嘉賓一起拉響炮為夜市揭幕。加拿大中文電台再一次發揮高質素的團隊精神,本台 DJ、Sunshine Boyz & Girlz、Little Sunshine 及「歌創」得獎者為大會助慶表演。當天,阿愷夥拍 Fred 及 Sunshine Boyz Aaron 陶迪衡擔任大會司儀。
hidden | top: 新聞總監李潔芝 & 夜市負責人張明山; bottom (left to right): 國語節目監製捷穎、Sunshine Girlz Eva 沈筠兒 & AM1470 DJ 阿愷、FM96.1 DJs Ludi & Vivian |
今年列治文夏日夜市主題為 「Magical Candyland」,色彩繽紛的巨型糖果及趣緻可愛的黃色鴨仔於會場內隨處可見。童心未泯的阿愷更特別穿上黃色上衣,與鴨仔鬥 kawaii。考考你的眼力,你能在 1 分鐘內找出以下兩張圖片 5 個不同之處嗎? 答案於文章末公佈。
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The grand opening of Richmond Night Market was the talk of the town. Hundreds of city councils, local celebrities along with Fairchild Radio News Director Ms.Travena Lee were invited to this big party. Live performance by Fairchild Radio DJs, Sunshine Boyz & Girlz as well as Little Sunshine was a major highlight of the celebration. Thousands of locals lined up to enter this one of the biggest night markets in North America. To bring out the event's theme "Magical Candyland", giant colorful candies and yellow ducks welcome vistors at front entrance. DJ Mandy took a photo with the cute captain ducky, can you spot 5 differences between the photos above? How fast are you? See answers below.
hidden | top (left to right): AM1470 DJ BChiu、2013 Little Sunshine 冠軍 Jayden 胡宇軒; bottom left: SQ18 歌創冠軍 Erik 陳冠勳 & DJ Janice |
圖片考眼光答案 "Spot the difference" answers:
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