加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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不知是否因為「小煮角」選拔賽即將舉行,所以Delon 廖德隆於他的「鬆趣D態度」節目上找來一位跟「小煮角」息息相關的重要人物做了一個電話專訪。她是誰? 她就是盧覓雪 Michelle Loo,是Now寛頻電視台「小煮角」幕後策劃人之一。由新時代電視主辦、加拿大中文電台協辦的「溫哥華小煮角選拔賽」將於7月29日隆重舉行,屆時定必吸引不少喜愛烹飪的小朋友報名參加,讓他們一展所長。而小朋友們也可趁著這次難得的機會與別人分享興趣之餘,又可以互相切磋廚藝,取長補短,相得益彰。



Michelle認為小朋友在學習烹飪的過程中,會不知不覺地學到做人的道理,除了讓他們學會獨立處事之外,在時間管理和危機處理方面亦絕對有幫助。至於在人際關係上,她說小朋友在比賽的過程中,可以互相影響,互相分享,自然會樂在其中。最後,她還給與參加溫哥華「小煮角」比賽的小朋友一些溫馨的提示 : 「不必要花樣百出,只要做好自己最巧手和最有信心的菜色便是了。」


想知更多關於 Michelle 盧覓雪的有趣經歷及更深入的了解,立即收聽該集訪問

Michelle Loo is a well-known character in mass media. She is also a famous hostess of cooking on TV shows in Hong Kong.  Michelle is an active person practicing as an entertainment writer and editor for local magazines, a talk show hosts on various radio programs and so on. Michelle has become very successful because she treasured every opportunity that she gained and tried to achieve them.  Recently, Michelle surprised us that she intended to be a football commentator for the upcoming FIFA World Cup competition. She had a phone interview with Delon in his radio program on AM1470 to share her own experience of her works and her cooking knowledge. She also gave her opinion of cooking for the contestants of the “Chef Corner Jr. Vancouver” which will be held on July 29, 2014 in Vancouver. If you want to review that interesting interview, click here to listen.