Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤
Renowned musician, singer-songwriter Tats Lau Yee-Tat came to Vancouver with his wife was in town for a charity event earlier, and besides working, he also met up with his friends, Anita. Their friendship dated back to early 90s, as he was the producer for Anita’s album “Blue”. Besides sharing his music in AM 1470’s “Anita’s Talk Show”, Mr. and Mrs. Lau also shared their views on marriage, and also their love of each other on air! Want to learn the secrets of long-lasting love and marriage? This is an interview that can’t be missed.
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2013-11-30Anita 有所不知 李婉華 (2)
2013-11-29DJ 自製爆紅 Bitstrips 漫畫
2013-11-28Music 聯合首播 歐漢聲《GOOD 愛》
2013-11-27Music 全球首播 F.I.R《Better Life》
2013-11-26Music 全球首播 田馥甄 《你就不要想起我》
2013-11-25Music 聯合首播 陶晶瑩 方大同 《是愛 》
2013-11-25Haiyan Fundraising 賑災籌款音樂會 籌得$14,000
2013-11-24Donate Clothes 寒衣送暖流全城展開 新增收集站方便市民
2013-11-23Anita 有所不知 李婉華 (1)
2013-11-22Interview 李婉華 訪問 劉以達
2013-11-20Music 聯合首播 林宇中 《背心》
2013-11-182013 國語 Radio Idol 冠軍誕生!
2013-11-16Music 全球首播 方大同 《Lights Up》
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2013-11-11Music 聯合首播 陶晶瑩《真的假的》
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