加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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由明天起(11月25日)至明年 1 月 6 日止「寒衣送暖流 2013」於全城展開大規模的收衣行動,收集的物品包括棉被、舊衣及玩具等。今年加拿大救世軍新增 4 個衣物收集站方便市民捐贈,包括溫哥華的  Oakridge Mall 及 UBC , 以及西溫的 Park Royal Mall 等;而高貴林 Coquitlam Centre 的寒衣收集站則遷往 North Mall Johnson Street 的停車場

Do you always feel bad about throwing out your old clothes because you didn't know what else to do with them?  Donate your unwanted clothes to the Salvation Army this winter by sending them to one of the following collection bins in Greater Vancouver.  Check out our new locations this year!

Fairchild Radio will also set up a temporary collection booth outside of its office at Aberdeen Centre on Dec 15 and 29 (Sun), between 12pm - 4pm, where our Winter Warm Wave Ambassadors will give all doners a pair of pocket warmers as a token of appreciation. 


除了下列大溫多個熱點設置收集衣物外,加拿大中文電台繼續挑選兩個星期日(12月15日及12月29日)舉行「送暖有禮日」「送暖有禮日」當天,本台DJ、應屆 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 以及 Little Sunshine 將化身成為暖流大使,於列治文時代坊二樓的加拿大中文電台辦事處門前,接收聽眾送來的舊衣物,並為每位捐贈五磅以上舊衣物的善長送上shake shake暖袋以表心意。 


送暖有禮日 Give the Gift of Warmth (Dec 15 & 29, 12pm – 4pm): 

寒衣收集站 Winter Warm Wave Collection Bins (Nov 25, 2013 - Jan 6, 2014): 
溫哥華 Oakridge Mall 停車場 (Vancouver Public Library) [NEW]

溫哥華 2992 Westbrook Mall (UBC FireHall #10) [NEW]

溫哥華261 East 12th Avenue 救世軍二手店

溫哥華 Arbutus Mall 停車場 (Safeway)

本那比 4800 Still Creek Avenue (Still Creek Recycling) [NEW]

西溫 Park Royal Mall 停車場 (Marine Drive & Taylor Way) [NEW]

高貴林 Coquitlam Centre 停車場 (Johnson St  & North Mall)  [NEW]

列治文 12260 Vulcan Way (AutoMind Collision Richmond)

Winter Warm Wave Poster