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為了符合本次Sunshine Nation的動漫風,本屆的Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 剛入選就面臨了以"Draw My Life"形式來自我介紹的挑戰,透過用畫圖的方式,來讓更多的觀眾朋友認識他們。為此我們特闢了Sunshine 陽光聚焦特別報導,讓大家看看他們如何畫出自己!首篇要為各位介紹的是1號Jeffrey梁賢基5號Eva沈筠兒

This year one of the main theme of Sunshine Nation is Comics, so the first challenge that our Sunshine Boyz & Girlz was to present a "Draw My Life" version of their self-intro video, Today Sunshine Spot will tell you a little more about our contestant No.1 Jeffrey and No.5 Eva.


正要成為大學新鮮人的1號Jeffrey梁賢基熱愛跳舞與武術,從小有機會便參加大大小小的各式跳舞比賽,如今終於有機會能在Sunshine Nation舞台上一展長才令他非常興奮!他也在自己的自我介紹影片當中提到了他的父親以為他熱愛物理學的雞同鴨講趣事!

Jeffrey will be a freshman this year, he loves dancing and martial art, but when he said he loves "movement" to his dad, his dad had something different in mind...





Eva's favorite sport is acrhery, she also wish that she could meet someone special and travel all over the world with him. But when it comes to drawing herself, she always use a pig as her character...


8 位 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 現正密鑼緊鼓準備本星期六(8月10日)下午 2:30 假本那比麗晶廣場舉行的才藝表演。8 月 23 日決賽夜,將選出 Sunshine Boyz 冠軍Sunshine Girlz 冠軍才藝大獎; 而由網民投選出來的「Pepper Wireless Fido我最喜愛Sunshine大獎」,今天起接受投票,歡迎到 Sunshine Nation 大會網址投票選出你最喜愛的 Sunshine Boyz 或 Girlz。參與投票者均有機會贏取由 Pepper Wireless Fido 送出的 SONY Xperia Go 智能手機一部!

Don't forget to cast your vote in the "Pepper Wireless Fido People's Choice Award".  You might get a chance to win a SONY Xperia Go smart phone, sponsored by Pepper Wireless Fido.  Click to vote now!

Sunshine Nation tickets are now available at Fairchild Radio at Aberdeen Centre. Information hotline: 604-295-1234.