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SSN next challenge: 星期六 才藝表演

Sunshine Boyz & Girlz Bio 個人簡介

今個星期六,8 位 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 首次踏上舞台為Sunshine Nation 才藝表演落力演出,他們不單只唱歌跳舞這麼簡單,有些表演項目更是大家意想不到的。8 月 10日,下午 2:30 一起到麗晶廣場為 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 打打氣吧!

左起:#6 Jessica 韓嘉凝、 #8 Amy 黃慧如、 #7 K. Tao、 #5 Eva 沈筠兒
左起:#6 Jessica 韓嘉凝、 #8 Amy 黃慧如、 #7 K. Tao、 #5 Eva 沈筠兒

Have you check out the bio of these gorgeous Sunshine Boyz & Girlz yet?  They are all gifted with special talent.  Who is the martial arts champion?  Who knows the tricks of making sugar art?  Who has the technique of beatboxing and who is the master of Takwando black belt?  The variety of their talents are more than we expected!

This Saturday, August 10 2:30pm at Crystal Mall, 8 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz will show-off their special talent in the Sunshine Nation Talent Show.  Come and cheer them up, don't forget to bring along your fans signage!!  Let's make them rock on stage!

左起:#4 Augustine 陳學堯、 #1 Jeffrey 梁賢基、 #2 Robert 林冠龍、 #3 Adriel 譚永樑
左起:#4 Augustine 陳學堯、 #1 Jeffrey 梁賢基、 #2 Robert 林冠龍、 #3 Adriel 譚永樑