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AM1470 News Team wish you a truly remarkable New Year filled with everything you hoped for.

AM1470 粵語新聞部祝大家「官運、財運、桃花運,運運亨通‭!‬」
AM1470 粵語新聞部祝大家「官運、財運、桃花運,運運亨通‭!‬」

Zodiac 生肖運程 part 3 - 馬 羊 猴

(Horse) 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 
You will have the courage to be honest about emotionally charged situations. Personal confidence and a willingness to accept others will help you shine. 

(Goat) 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003
Your loving nature makes you the heart and soul of your family. Your love of beauty is inspired. Snake gives gentle Goats the green light to follow their fondest dreams. 

(Monkey) 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004
You're the best protector of your own interests. If possible, set your own goals and schedules.

Upcoming : 2 18  Zodiac 生肖運程 part 4 - 狗 豬

《流年運程部份文字來自 爽報: 楊天命-至命玄理 及 

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