加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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The multicultural radio chain Fairchild Radio is halfway through its season-long public service campaign.  After organizing Pink Month in October in its Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stations to support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Fairchild Radio launched a Movember campaign in November to raise awareness for the less talked about men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, heart disease and stress or diet related illnesses.  

型男面上的鬍子雖已剃去,但 Movember 的訊息卻深深印在大家的心上。今日我們來總結一下加拿大中文電台溫哥華、卡加利和多倫多的 Movember 活動。

Vancouver AM1470 & FM96.1

While airing informative segments on the air throughout the whole month of November, some of Fairchild’s male DJs grew their moustaches and shared their experiences over social media.  Then on Friday, November 28, DJs and staff dressed up in black and white and came out to witness their moustached colleagues shaving it off in front of the camera.  Some staff even came with stick-on moustaches to say, “We are proud of you, bro!”

Calgary FM94.7

While the male DJs were in charge of growing moustaches...
The female DJs played supporting roles in suits and stick on moustaches.

In December, Fairchild Radio will continue its goodwill campaign by supporting the Salvation Army with a clothing drive in Vancouver and a toy drive in Toronto. 

Toronto AM1430 & FM88.9

Before growing a moustache, AM1430 DJ Edwin Lok (left) posed with Movember's Sam Ho for a photo.
In a month's time, Edwin looks great with a mo!

相關文章 related articles:

Vancouver: Movember 型男 DJ 刮鬍呼籲公眾關注男性健康

Calgary: 落鬚日 Photo Album

Toronto: Mo Bro 駱曦 本月蓄鬚撐 Movember