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作為《中國好聲音》第二期最後一位上場選手,平安憑借一首輕搖滾版《我愛你中國》打動無數人,最終被楊坤老師收入隊中。而他也懂得把握機會,以一首《洋蔥》強勢勝出在楊坤組進入四強,最後更用一首Queen樂隊的《We are the champions》征服了在場99家媒體評審團認可,成為《中國好聲音》第一季唯一一名獲得媒體全票通過的學員。如此的好聲音就要降臨溫哥華,肯定是您2014年不能錯過的精彩演唱會!

Anson Ping is a talented contestant of "The Voice of China". His preformance during the show was so outstanding that all the media judges all agreed that he is one of the bests. He will be performing in Vancouver at River Rock Theatre on 10/14 8pm, Fairchild Radio is proud to be a media sponsor of this show which you can't afford to miss!

Concert 加拿大中文電台贊助 平安演唱會

加拿大中文電台作為平安溫哥華演唱會的媒體贊助,誠心推薦這場難得的演出,時間在10月14日晚上8:00,地點為列治文河石劇院Riverock Show Theatre,以現場樂隊伴奏的形式演出,平安將為溫哥華觀眾獻唱二十首以上經典歌曲!