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今天晚上為新時代集團之週年晚宴,電台同事鴻運當頭贏得多份獎金獎品,其中包括行政部的 Lily(左)和國語節目部的 Natalie(中)各贏得一百元的現金獎,連人力資源總監 Emily(右)也大表羡慕。

更多晚宴當晚的精彩圖片將於 2 月 14 日在本網頁刊出,敬請期待。

Annual Dinner 號外! 新時代集團晚宴 電台同事贏得百元大鈔

At tonight's Fairchild Group Annual Dinner, Fairchild Radio's DJs and staff won a lot of cash and valuable prizes including the hundred dollar cash prizes won by Administration Department's Lily (left) and Mandarin Programming's Natalie (middle).

More photos will be published on this website on Feb 14.  Make sure to check them out!