BC 省選民將陸續收到由 Elections BC 寄出的有關選舉制度的全省公投選票和說明。Elections BC 要求選民在選票上作出選擇:採用現行的「領先者當選制」抑或改為「比例代表制」作為未來的選舉制度。投票以郵寄方式進行,Elections BC 須在 11 月 30 日下午 4:30pm 前收回選票,逾時作廢。對今次的的 BC 省選舉制度改革公投,你會投票嗎? British Columbians have an opportunity to decide whether B.C. should keep its current voting system (First-Past-the-Post) or move to a system of Proportional Representation. Qualified voters will receive their voting packages from Elections BC to vote in the referendum. Are you going to vote and return the ballot before the deadline 4:30pm on November 30, 2018? 民意調查截止日期 Poll Deadline: October 31, 2018.