SQ22 - 盧巧音金曲票選大抽獎 The Best of Candy Lo [已完結]
恭喜以下得獎者 Congratulations to the following winner:
1. Michael (604-700-XXXX)
得獎者將獲個別通知領獎事宜。 Winner will be notified individually.
The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. Winner will be announced soon.
Calling all Canto-rock fans in Vancouver, watch award winning Hong Kong singer-songwriter Candy Lo perform live at the SQ22. Simply pick your favourite song from the list below and get a chance to win two SQ22 admission tickets.
香港創作歌手 Candy 盧巧音將於 5 月 25 日晚現身第 22 屆加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽 (SQ22) 的決賽夜,擔任特別表演嘉賓。你最愛她哪一首歌? 請從以下 10 首歌曲選出你的至愛,便可進入大抽獎,贏取一套兩張 SQ22 門票,一睹 Candy 在舞台上的拉闊風采。
得獎人數 Number of winners: 1
票選截止日期 Voting Deadline: May 18, 2018
查看票選結果及得獎名單 Voting Result and Winner Announcement:
請於 5 月 22 日起,瀏覽電台網頁 及 APP「ONLINE GAME」欄目中的「SQ22 - 盧巧音金曲票選大抽獎」。得獎者將獲個別通知,亦可致電 604-295-1234 查詢領獎詳情。
Starting from May 22, voting result and winner will be announced on Fairchild Radio's website and APP, in the "ONLINE GAME" category's "SQ22 - The Best of Candy Lo". Winner will be notified individually or the winner can contact Fairchild Radio at 604-295-1234 to arrange prize redemption.
每個 IP 地址只能投票一次。Only one vote per IP address.
請選出一首你最喜愛的盧巧音歌曲 Please pick a song from the list below.