加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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VOTE 票選活動

Sunshine Nation 新一代歌唱大賽 | 我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎 [得獎名單公佈]

Sunshine Nation 新一代歌唱大賽 | 我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎  [得獎名單公佈]

投票已經結束,多謝你的參與。由廣大網民選出的「蔡司視覺中心我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」,最終由 #6 Carissa 李悅婷 奪得。抽經獎,投票者 Tony 勝出,他/她將贏得由加拿大中文電台送出的現金獎 $500, 以及蔡司視覺中心送出的 $100 現金購物券。

The vote has ended. Thank you for your participation. "ZEISS Vision Centre People's Choice Award" went to #6 Carissa Li, and the lucky voter who was selected via lucky draw to take home $500 cash sponsored by Fairchild Radio and $100 gift certificate sponsored by ZEISS Vision Centre is Tony.

投票已經結束,多謝你的參與,「蔡司視覺中心我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」花落誰家以及抽獎結果,將於 8 月 22 日「Sunshine Nation 新一代歌唱大賽」當晚宣佈,並會在加拿大中文電台網頁和手機 App 公佈。

The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. Results of "ZEISS Vision Centre People's Choice Award" voting and the lucky draw winner will be announced during the "2024 Sunshine Nation Singing Contest" to be held on Aug 22, and will also be announced on Fairchild Radio web and app.

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Sunshine Boyz & Girlz need your help because you have the say in deciding who is the winner of 2024 Sunshine Nation Singing Contest “ZEISS Vision Centre People’s Choice Award”. The finalist with the most votes will receive the Award title, and everyone participates will automatically enter the super lucky draw to win $500 cash prize and $100 gift certificate. Pick your favorite Sunshine Boyz or Girlz and cast your vote today!

8 位 「Sunshine Nation 新一代歌唱大賽」參賽者當中,你最愛哪一位呢? 他們現正積極綵排和練歌,於 8 月 22 日舉行的 「Sunshine Nation 新一代歌唱大賽」中,以最耀眼的歌唱實力去競逐冠軍、才藝大獎和最佳台風獎。請即投選你心中的摯愛,得票最高的參賽者將獲得「蔡司視覺中心我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」殊榮,而所有參與投票的人士均自動進入大抽獎,贏取 $500 現金獎和 $100 現金購物券。

* Only one vote per IP address 每個 IP 地址只能投票一次。

* Fairchild Group staff and their immediate family members are not qualified to enter新時代集團員工及其家屬不能參加。

* Cash prize will not be transferred internationally and prizes will be picked up at Fairchild Radio in Vancouver. 獎金將不作國外滙款,而獎品將於溫哥華加拿大中文電台辦事處領取。

Deadline for voting 截止投票日期: August 21, 2024 。

For more Sunshine Nation Singing Contest details 更多 Sunshine Nation 新一代歌唱大賽詳情: