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12 月 13 日的「寒衣送暖流之送暖有禮日」在四小時內籌得 2,480 磅的舊衣物,轉贈加拿大救世軍作慈善用途,成績雖然令人滿意,因其實由於當日天氣不穩,下著連場大雨,所以成績比以往有所下降。我們的大小 Sunshine 面對挫折只當激勵,發奮圖強說兩星期後的第二次「送暖有禮日」定要追回以往的成績!當日三位「寒衣送暖流」暖流大使 - 應屆 Sunshine Girlz(左起)ArielCarmenAngela 還特別拍了一段呼籲短片,請大家務必支持 12 月 27 日(星期日)12 - 4pm 的「送暖有禮日」,地點就在列治文時代坊二樓,加拿大中文電台門外。如果你捐出的舊衣物、棉被、圖書或玩具重量超過 5 磅,我們還會送出 shake shake 暖袋一對聊表謝意。

On Dec 13 during the "Winter Warm Wave Give the Gift of Warmth" clothing drive, we have collected a total of 2,480 pounds of used clothing items. We are happy with the result but it was actually lower than previous years due to bad weather in that weekend. Our 2015 Sunshine Girlz (left to right) Ariel, Carmen and Angela said they have faith in human spirit, and they are confident that we will do better on Dec 27 during our second "Give the Gift of Warmth" clothing drive. Watch the video above and see what they have to say and bring your clothing donation to Aberdeen Centre on Dec 27 (Sun) between 12pm to 4pm!


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快報 Winter Warm Wave 送暖有禮日籌得 2,480 磅舊衣物

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