2022 Little Sunshine 網上至 LIKE 大獎 [結果公佈]

2022 Little Sunshine「網上至 LIKE 大獎」的得主是 #4 Athena 麥迪斐。The People's Choice Award goes to Little Sunshine #4 Athena Mai.


票選經已結束,多謝你的參與。得獎名單將會 11 月 19 日 (星期六)2pm @ 時代坊舉行的 Little Sunshine 決賽中公佈。Voting has ended. Thank you for your participation. Winner will be announced in the Little Sunshine Finale which will be held on November 19 (Saturday) 2pm at Aberdeen Centre.


10 位入圍 2022 Little Sunshine 包括#1 Howard 江慶浩、#2 Iliya 黃樂怡、#3 Carsen 李科森、#4 Athena 麥迪斐 、#5 Owen 利權峰、#6 Chelsea 鍾璇、#7 Sean 馮日朗、#8 Kaitlynn 梁齡心、#9 Annie 齊玥欽和 #10 Janos 王卓禧。

他們動靜佳宜,年齡最小的只得 4 歲,最大的也只是 12 歲,你最喜愛哪一位呢?歡迎你投票參與「Little Sunshine 網上至 LIKE 大獎」,為這個 10 位可愛的小朋友加油打氣。

10 位天真活潑、口齒伶俐的 Little Sunshine 將於 11 月 19 日下午 2pm 假列治文時代坊大堂舉行的決賽競逐冠、亞、季軍和才藝大獎,而「Little Sunshine 網上至 LIKE 大獎」結果亦會於決賽當天揭曉及在「票選 + 遊戲」版面公佈。

10 Little Sunshine contestants are going to make their dream big! Who do you like the most? The Little Sunshine with the highest number of votes will win the title of "2022 Little Sunshine People's Choice Award". Voting result will be announced at the Little Sunshine Finale held on November 19 (Sat) 2pm at Aberndeen Centre, and will be also published here. Show your support by casting your vote today!

截止投票 Deadline for voting: November 16 (Wed) 11:59pm (Vancouver time).

* 每個 IP 地址只能投票一次, 新時代集團員工及其家屬不能參加。 Maximum one vote per IP address. Fairchild Group staff and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter.

#1 Howard 江慶浩

#2 Iliya 黃樂怡

#3 Carsen 李科森

#4 Athena 麥迪斐

#5 Owen 利權峰

#6 Chelsea 鍾璇

#7 Sean 馮日朗

#8 Kaitlynn 梁齡心

#9 Annie 齊玥欽

#10 Janos 王卓禧