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Fans Gathering《食色男女》粉絲見面會 Ani 和 Andy 等著你一起 HI 翻天!

2019-12-12 (星期四)

FM961 星期日晚 10pm 的《食色男女》,一向是個喜歡「搞事情」的節目,開播三年半以來,不單只「吃」遍大溫美食、「撩」遍感情話題,也收獲了無數可愛的聽眾粉絲們!

這個聖誕節,《食色男女》的節目主持 AniAndy 攪攪新意思,決定舉辦 「《食色男女》聖誕粉絲見面會」,與聽眾粉絲開懷大嚼,大玩遊戲,大送禮物,一起開開心心共度佳節!這是 FM961 首次舉辦聽眾聖誕派對,你豈能錯過?

日期:December 22, 2019
時間:2pm - 5pm
地點:米茶食堂 Micha Richmond (#120-4751 Garden City Road, Richmond)
票價:$22* (cash only, tax and tips included)
餐點:主餐 + 飲料


 Fans Gathering《食色男女》粉絲見面會  Ani 和 Andy 等著你一起 HI 翻天!

Are you ready to eat, play, love and PARTY?  FM961 DJs Ani and Andy of "Eat, Play & Love" are organizing their first ever fans gathering.  On top of enjoying a delicious meal, you will have a fantastic time at this Christmas party as Ani and Andy went all out to prepare for fun games and valuable prizes.  The "Eat Play Love Fans Gathering" will be held at Micha Richmond on December 22, 2019 from 2pm to 5pm.  $22 per person. Tickets are now available at Fairchild Radio. For more information, please call 604-295-1234.

AniAndy 已經聯系上多間人氣商店贊助下列獎品:

Capilano 吊橋公園入場券
Capilano 吊橋公園入場券
 Richmond Oval 體驗卡
Richmond Oval 體驗卡

Hilton Reflect 餐廳代金券
Hilton Reflect 餐廳代金券
 Jinya 陣家禮卡
Jinya 陣家禮卡

Nana's Green Tea 禮卡
Nana's Green Tea 禮卡
 蜀道火鍋 代金券
蜀道火鍋 代金券

國子煎 代金券
國子煎 代金券
 Soytalk 豆言豆語 VIP 卡
Soytalk 豆言豆語 VIP 卡

Ani Andy 等著你一起 HI 翻天!
