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POLL - 茶餐廳快餐卡路里大比拼

港式茶餐廳以色香味全美食聞名價錢大眾化,憑多道招牌菜籠絡人心的按此連結猜猜深受街坊歡迎的美食當中,那一款飯麵卡路里最高呢? 答案將於 10 月 9 日在加拿大中文電台網頁facebook 揭曉。

Hong Kong style cafes offer a lot of choices on noodle and rice menus. Which dish has the highest calories? Join our poll to take a guess. Correct answer and poll result will be revealed on October 9 on Fairchild Radio website and facebook

每個 facebook 帳戶只能投票一次。Each facebook account can vote once only.

截止日期:10 月 8 日(星期日) 10pm (溫哥華時間)。Polling deadline: October 8 (Sun) @ 10pm (Vancouver time).