FR App 優惠大放送 - 4 張 Playdome 特級入場券送給你![遊戲取消]

FR App 優惠大放送 - 4 張 Playdome 特級入場券送給你![遊戲取消]

由於受新冠肺炎影響,2020 PLAYDOME 的主辦機構於 3 月 12 日宣佈,活動將延期舉行,「FR App 優惠大放送」之「PLAYDOME 有獎遊戲」亦相應取消,如有不便,謹此致歉。

The organizer of 2020 PLAYDOME announced on Mar 12 that, due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the function has been postponed. The "FR App Weekly Special - PLAYDOME Tickets Giveaway" is also cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
