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BC Election Forum | Drug Problem, Health Care & Inflation the Major Concerns
2024-10-05 (星期六)
[Updated] 10/8/2024 @ 6:05pm
The 2024 BC Election Forum successfully concluded last Saturday (October 5) and was rebroadcast in two parts on AM470's "News Hotline" on October 7 and 8. Now, everyone can click the links below to listen again. If you would like to revisit other audio archives, please click here for more recordings.
10/7 - Part 1
10/7 - Part 2
10/8 - Part 1
10/8 - Part 2
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Just two weeks before the October 19 BC Election, a public forum was held at Aberdeen Centre in Richmond and the representatives of the three major political parties brought fireworks to the on-stage debate.
hidden | The "2024 BC Election Forum" organized by Fairchild Media Group at 2pm on October 5 at Aberdeen Centre. |
Organized by Fairchild Media Group (Fairchild Radio AM1470 & FM961, Fairchild Television and Talentvision), the "2024 BC Election Forum" took place at Aberdeen Centre on October 5. Although the Forum was conducted in Cantonese and the majority of the audience were Chinese Canadians residing in Richmond, the issues under scrutiny can be related by everyone living in BC.
hidden | (left to right) BC NDP Henry Yao, BC Green Tamás Revóczi, BC Conservatives Teresa Wat. |
Representing the Conservative Party of BC was the popular but controversial Teresa Wat (candidate for Richmond-Bridgeport) who jumped ship from BC United in July. Representing BC Green Party was Tamás Revóczi (another candidate for Richmond-Bridgeport) who is a cancer survivor and mental health advocate. And last but not least, representing BC NDP was Henry Yao (Richmond-Centre). Henry Yao is an incumbent MLA like Teresa Wat and came from a background of youth work.
hidden | Moderators of the Forum (from left) Mandy Wen of Fairchild Radio, Clement Tang of Fairchild TV. |
The forum was moderated by Mandy Wen, news anchor of Fairchild Radio, and Clement Tang, news anchor of Fairchild Television. After a brief round of the candidates elaborating on their own platform, a panel of news commentators raised concerns on employment, inflation, drug problem and education, and asked each candidate to give their own take on the issues.
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Before taking questions from the audience, the candidates had the opportunity to crossfire each other and that was when the real debate began.
Tereas Wat of BC Conservatives wasted no time to drill the NDP for worsening the drug problem in BC with their safer injecting facilities, and said many problems such as a spike in crime rate and homelessness are chain reaction of the drug problem.
On the other hand, Henry Yao of BC NDP warned the audience if BC Conservatives wins, there will be a cut in various public welfare including health care.
hidden | Supporters of BC Conservatives out-numbered that of the other two parties at the Forum venue. |
When the floor was opened to audience to ask questions, the line was long and the audience took no mercy in challenging the candidates. Several audience members questioned who is to blame for the lack of family doctors and insufficient day care facilities, others were concerned the traffic congestion in Richmond and the now-suspended supportive housing project at Cambie and Sexsmith.
hidden | The Fairchild Media Group crew that organized the "2024 BC Election Forum". |
The "2024 BC Election Forum" will be aired on Fairchild Radio AM1470 in a 2-part series on Oct 7 and 8 at 5pm, and on Fairchild Television on Oct 11 at 9:50pm.
Location sponsor: Aberdeen Centre
Photography sponsor: Allen Lau Photography
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